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COVID-19 UPDATE: PBS Protocols - May 2020

Writer's picture: Pacific BacklotPacific Backlot

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

Vancouver Film Studios Business Continuity Plan – Response to COVID-19

Pacific Backlot is committed to protecting our staff from the spread of COVID-19. We support a safe environment for our employees with policies and practices to minimize the risk of transmission and illness in the workplace. Below, please find our new measures in accordance with guidelines set out by the Public Health Officer (PHO) of British Columbia. These measures will be reviewed periodically and refined over the next 12 to 18 months based on recommendations from the PHO.

There are four main steps for success as we return to work:

1) Physical Distancing

• No hand shaking.

• Maintain 2 metre (6 feet) separation unless absolutely necessary, if you can’t

you must wear a mask.

• Avoid unnecesary physical contact and touching of eyes, nose and mouth.

• No access to unscheduled visitors, suppliers, contractors and vendors.

• All pick-up and deliveries restricted to the front bay door area only.

• In-person meetings limited to 4 to 6 people maximum. Meetings involving

more than 6 people to be held by teleconference, video conference or email.

• Limit of 2 people in the kitchen at any time. Lunch breaks to adhere to

physical distancing guidelines. A schedule may be posted to stagger lunches.

• Floor markings to display safe distances in the foyer and rentals desk.

• Workstation layout to be reconfigured to ensure all workstations maintain at

least 2 metre (6 feet) between employees at all times.

• Work schedules may be staggered in order to accommodate distancing.

• Crew access to the VFS lot only given with the expressed permission of the

tenant. All access will be coordinated with VFS Security while adherring to the

rules of physical distancing. • If it is not possible to ensure 2 metre (6 feet) of

distance between employees in a vehicle through the use of a barrier,

employees must use other controls such as a mask. • No personal packages

mailed to work.

2) Sanitation

• Practice good hygiene (frequent hand washing with soap and water and use

of hand santizers; avoid touching one’s face; respiratory etiquette).

• Handwashing and hand sanitation mandatory upon entering the building.

• Signage posted advising all employees and guests that hand washing is

mandatory upon entering building.

• Office cleaned Monday to Friday – all common areas and surfaces cleaned

and sanitized at the end of each day, particularly high-contact items such as

doors, handles, faucet handles, keyboards, and shared equipment.

• Employees to periodically wipe down their office door knobs and any other

commonly touched items.

• Signage posted at entrances requiring people to maintain a 2 metre (6 feet)

distance from one another.

• Employees must not use each other’s desks and electronics.

• Vehicles and shared tools to be disinfected at the end of each day.

• Contractor’s to follow physical distancing and PPE protocol recommended by

the PHO.

3) Administrative Controls

• Staff to be trained and properly instructed on daily procedures, including

their responsibility to immediately report any COVID-19 like symptoms.

• Any employee with symptoms of a cold, flu, or COVID-19, including, but not

limited to, a cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, or fatigue, must stay at

home and keep a safe distance from others in their family until those

symptoms have completely disappeared. Employees can reference The McLean

Group COVID-19 Protocol document.

• McLean Group Safety Committee and anonymous hotline available for

employees with any concerns relating to COVID-19.

• Non-essential travel to other locations or worksites limited.

4) Use of PPE

• All staff given non-medical masks to be worn if needed.

• Gloves, hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes made available to all employees.


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